Saturday, October 30, 2010

Lame Questions

Just a short post on tis windy n cooling saturday morning. 
woke up at 6.30am n prepared to go to visit my "kai ye" - Doctor Ting. 
i reached at 7.30am n there's aldy got some ppl waiting aldy.. =.= (very kua jeong)

anyway, back to the topic- Lame Question. 
What are those lame questions that u asked b4?

I would said my sis(B) n her husband(DK) make the prefect match
n they both asked Lamest Q to each other. 

since DK was flying back to Malaysia from Miami, n had flight inter-changed at the German airport.
the climate at Miami is summer but German is freaking cold.
then here come B asked :" do u wear long pants?" =.= 
we was like of course la auntie, if not?? lame *****

Later on, here come,
DK; the telephone line can be used aldy?
B : yes.
DK: the tm people come?
B: nope. the Indah Water people came. =.=
my god, telephone line of course is the tm ppl come la, if not??  lame*****

ps: it's good to have both of them to cheer up my boring life a lil bit.. ^^
pps: DK, welcome back to malaysia n thx for ur souvenir. =)

Friday, October 29, 2010

Another Goooooood Bargain

Doin my sis a favour, to find buyer for tis baby.

1 main compartment with zipper opening
Interior :1 large pocket on front
Dimensions : 45x35x23 cm or 17¾x14x9 inch
Colour: Black
prefect for gym, carry sketches, short trip, etc....

RM300. (dirt cheap , man)
so, any1 interested, contact me la..





ps: since when my blog became platform for selling?? haha... nvm. as long as u buy happily, i sell happily. mutual benefit.. ^^

your truly.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


anyone who interested, please dun be hesitate to contact me alright? Thanks a loooooot..

your truly.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

petrol cap : left or right?

i think almost everyone will come across the following scenario before.

one day, i drove my dad's car to fill up the fuel at petrol station.
when i almost reached, i dunno whether the petrol cap on left or right?

To aviod tis happen, why all the car manufacturer don't make it standardised at one side?
I found the answer from a book named THE ECONOMIC NATURALIST : Why Economics Explains Almost Everything by Robert H Frank.

I try to summarise the answer as follow.
A: If all petrol cap standardised in 1 side, then everybody will hav to queue up during busy time and nobody taking up the pump on the other side. The benefit greatly outweights the cost of occasionally pulling up to the wrong side of the pump.Thus, some petrol cap will be on left, some will be on right.

understand? =P

Monday, October 11, 2010


i would say my mum is a good trainer.
when i still a kids, mum was bz 'cari makan' , so me n my sis have been trained so well for doin the house chores.

we aldy start to wash our shoes since standard 1. mum said if dun wash then no need wear lo.. =.=

then after i grown up, the job allocation as follows:
elder sis: vacum n mopping
2nd sis: car wash n dog bathing
me: toilet washing ( i think am expert now >.<)

now both of my sis aldy get married n moved out, i hav to pick up their work. (jialat)
now am doin the vacum, mopping, toilet washing.
my 2nd sis will still do the dog bathing but sometime also outsource.
the car wash has been outsourced. (can not do so much chores la..)

at the meantime based on my timetable , every monday is a Kakak Day. =.=
how about u? or u hav the real kakak at home?

ps: To a person who used to call me maid n asked me dont horse x2 tiger x2, happy 6 months anniversary for knowing each others.. =)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

kopitiam 的景象

今天下午心血来潮,到 kopitiam 坐一坐, 透透气。

在我的左手边,坐着一群的uncles和aunties, 正在说着自己的孩子几个As,并且讨论如何把自己刚小学毕业的孩子,送进附近有名的华文中学。(我是在那里毕业的啦。^^)去教育局啦,捐钱给学校啦。。。辛苦了,家长们。(我不是有意在听他们的对话,不过他们的声量我不得不听啊。=P)

在我的前方,有2个uncles和2个aunties. 不知道在讨论什么大生意, 表情quite严肃。(wah, 现在的aunties (50’s)都用mac book, 好 in 啊!)

在我的右手边,坐着一个aunty和她的女儿。aunty 脚踏4 寸高跟鞋,对着laptop在办公。
看的出,aunty 对自己十分有自信。 但我很想说:aunty 你的短裤配那高跟鞋,好像很salah hoh? haha^^


Friday, October 1, 2010

一份钱一分货 or myth of branded ?

tat day i went w@tson n looking at those compact powders = 粉饼,
then i asked my fren, 

me: y these compact powders here only rm10+ but those compact powders at counter r rm100+ ?

fren: then u think wat is the different btw ralph lauren polo tee & PDI polo tee?

i stunned & i dunno how to answer her. 
ya hoh, wat is the different ler?
i think is about branding again.. 
it's just the perception of the customer who perceived tat the product is better than others even that the product is not physically better.

then after tat am considering to buy another mp3 player since my previous 1 'rosak' aldy..
so am thinking wanna buy those branded or the 'cip-ba-lang' brand..
at last i bought the 'cip-ba-lang', but the performance turned out to be so disappointed...
then my fren said, tis called 一份钱一分货. 
then i was like -->  =.=!! apalah..

so, whether it's 一份钱一分货 or myth of branded ? wat u think?

ps: i admit am a 'brand' person.. haha=P