Friday, October 1, 2010

一份钱一分货 or myth of branded ?

tat day i went w@tson n looking at those compact powders = 粉饼,
then i asked my fren, 

me: y these compact powders here only rm10+ but those compact powders at counter r rm100+ ?

fren: then u think wat is the different btw ralph lauren polo tee & PDI polo tee?

i stunned & i dunno how to answer her. 
ya hoh, wat is the different ler?
i think is about branding again.. 
it's just the perception of the customer who perceived tat the product is better than others even that the product is not physically better.

then after tat am considering to buy another mp3 player since my previous 1 'rosak' aldy..
so am thinking wanna buy those branded or the 'cip-ba-lang' brand..
at last i bought the 'cip-ba-lang', but the performance turned out to be so disappointed...
then my fren said, tis called 一份钱一分货. 
then i was like -->  =.=!! apalah..

so, whether it's 一份钱一分货 or myth of branded ? wat u think?

ps: i admit am a 'brand' person.. haha=P


  1. but i think quality oso matters. Branded face powder's texture is more 細 and wont clog pores.. :)

  2. i totally agree with u now since my "cip-ba-lang" mp3 rosak d n ur camera is so damn good.. ^^
